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Music For Funerals

The organist/pianist normally:


  1. Plays as the congregation assembles and as the coffin is processed in

  2. Accompanies the congregation as required

  3. Accompanies the choir or soloist, as appropriate.                                                                                                                                                            

We are full-time professional musicians, are ultra-reliable and immaculately presented.

We are resident at  New Jersey’s top cathedrals and churches, and all are able to get

the very best out of even the most modest instrument.


As with all of our musicians, punctuality, sensitivity and discretion are guaranteed.

If there is no suitable instrument at the venue, we can provide a piano, keyboard or church organ.


Music sets an emotional tone and speaks to our hearts. A particular song can remind us of a person or an experience. The lyrics of a song,

like poetry, may summarize how we're feeling better than we are able to say ourselves.

Music can be provided from by our engaging musicians to play instruments or to sing, or by engaging bands or choirs to perform. Depending on the church or temple; some people are stepping away from traditional funeral songs to music that reflects the taste of the person who has died. This can include modern or New Orleans jazz, rock, country, blues, pop or music.

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