At Charlie Clarke Music we believe in personal touch when choosing music for your wedding day. We will be happy to guide you through the selection of your wedding music to ensure your ceremony is unique to you both as a couple. If you have a special song or request which you wish to hear on your wedding day, we will be happy to include this in the repertoire. We would recommend that you obtain permission from your priest/celebrant on your musical selections as restrictions vary. Below is a list of suggested songs and hymns for each part of the ceremony.
We can help you select the perfect music for:
Bridal Party Processional Music Choices
Canon in D Major - J. Pachebel
Jesu Joy Of Man’s Desiring - JS Bach
Air - From Water Music - GF Handel
One Hand, One Heart - L. Bernstein
Prelude in C Major - JS Bach
You may also select any hymn from the hymnal
or propose an alternate selection of your choosing.
Bridal Entrance Music
Here Comes The Bride - R Wagner
Canon in D Major - J. Pachebel
Jesu Joy Of Man’s Desiring - JS Bach
Air - From Water Music - GF Handel
One Hand, One Heart - L. Bernstein
You may also select any hymn from the hymnal
or propose an alternate selection of your choosing.
Psalm 34 Taste and See The Goodness of the Lord
Psalm 128 Blessed Are Those Who Fear The Lord
Every Morning In Your Eyes - R Cooney
Please feel free to speak to your Celebrant regarding any other selections.
Presentation Hymn
I Have Loved You - Joncas
Prayer of St. Francis - Temple
Servant Song - Gillard
Wherever You Go - Norbert
Whereever You Go - Hass
You may also select any hymn from the hymnal.
Communion Hymn
One Bread, One Body - Foley
Servant Song - Gillard
Here I Am Lord - Schutte
Gift of Finest Wheat - Kreutz
Song of the Lord's Supper - Joncas
I Have Loved You - Joncas
Panis Angelicus - Franck
We Remember - Haugen
You may also select any hymn from the hymnal.
Devotion To Mary
Ave Maria - Schubert
Hail Mary Gentle Women - Landry
Hail Holy Queen - Lee
Hail, O Star of the Ocean - Ave Maris Stella
Immaculate Mary - Cummings
Salve Regina
You may also select any hymn from the hymnal.
Recessional Hymn
Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee - Beethoven
Water Music - Handel
Wedding March - Mendlsohn
You may also select any hymn from the hymnal.